Blake Ruby: Dirty Laundry | Behind The Scenes

During the tracking sessions and 360° video shoot for Blake Ruby’s “Dirty Laundry” VR Music Video, Riley shot hours of behind the scenes footage of the team at work to be used for promos, spots, clips, and within the music video itself. Using a combination of fly-on-the-wall footage and one-on-one interviews, audiences witness glimpses of the team’s frustration and challenges as well as their moments of pride and achievement.

Spots and Promos


Working In Virtual Reality

The team behind Blake Ruby’s “Dirty Laundry” VR Music Video reflect on the project and their experience.


The Microphone Array

Project Leaders Julian Messina and Robert Coomber discuss their choices made in capturing audio for Blake Ruby’s “Dirty Laundry” VR Music Video.


Keeping Spirits Up

Julian considers the challenges of maintaining a lively mood and focus amid exhaustion and inevitable technical issues.


The 360° Camera

Kyle Mann of Actuality VR explains the logistics of capturing and stitching together multiple “Blakes”.


Blake Ruby: Dirty Laundry 360° Video

360° Video Capture by Kyle Mann


The Late Late Late Late Show with Walker Hayes


Hit By Cars